“A Perfect Fit.” Elizabeth Leland profiles Whitney in the Carolina Alumni Review. January 14, 2020.
Bookseller Jenny Tattersall recommends Between Stone and Sky in “Journeys from your sofa: 10 great travel book gifts for Christmas.” The Guardian. 3 December 2019.
Jude Rogers reviews Between Stone and Sky for Countryfile Magazine. 31 August 2018.
Rebecca Wallersteiner reviews Between Stone and Sky for The Lady. 15 June 2018.
Brecon and Radnor Express, May 18, 2018: 'New book is dry stone waller Whitney’s love letter to Wales'
Hay Festival, 31 May 2018: Whitney Brown talks to Francine Stock
Who gets lucky enough to do Hay Festival on her first book just days after its release? Apparently, I did.
While I was sitting in the green room about to go on stage at Hay Festival, I got a call from an unknown number confirming I'd be a guest on Saturday Live two days later. [Begin publicist's scramble for hotels and travel.]
Hosted by the Rev. Richard Coles (who shares an agent with me, turns out!) and Aasmah Mir, I appeared alongside David Coulthard, Adnan Sarwar, and Listener Kate. We had a great morning together at Broadcasting House, and I am still astounded that I got to be there!
Hark the Sounds, 6 January 2020
Whitney talks with UNC’s Grant Halverson about her life and work.